Tree and Bench Memorial

Recognition/Memorial Trees and Benches

The Recognition/Memorial tree and bench programs allow individuals to celebrate a milestone, or remember a family or friend that has passed away, by having a tree or bench placed within a park or on the trail system in town. Memorial trees and benches may also be placed in Pine Grove Cemetery.


$500.00 + cost of the tree.

The $500.00 covers the cost of the plaque and the installation of the tree. The cost of the tree is in addition to this amount. You can order a recognition/memorial tree at any time but it can take up to three months to get it in the ground, so please plan ahead. Trees cannot be planted in wintertime.

Recognition/Memorial Tree Policy and Application Form (including tree availability list)


Bench:  $1,000.00 + cost of the bench.

The $1,000.00 covers the cost of the plaque, assembly and installation of the bench, concrete pad (2 feet x 6 feet x 3 inches). The cost of the bench is in addition to this amount. From the time of the order being paid in full, it will take approximately 3 months to complete the installation of the bench. Installation during the winter months is not possible but you can order the bench in the winter to be installed in the spring.

Recognition/Memorial Bench Policy and Application Form