Campaign Contributions


Refer to the Local Authorities Elections Act and regulations for complete details. 

Contributions to a campaign cannot be made until the individual has filed their notice of intent or nomination forms. 

Candidates must issue a receipt for each contribution they receive.

There is a limit of $5,000 per candidate during the election year. There is no limit to how many candidates you can contribute to.

Only residents of Alberta can contribute to a campaign. Candidates can contribute to their own campaign (self-fund) up to $10,000 in the aggregate per year.

Organizations prohibited from making contributions include corporations or unincorporated organizations, including a trade union and an employee organization.

Any anonymous contributions must be returned to the contributor if their identity can be established. If their identity cannot be established, the candidate shall donate the funds to a registered charity or to the local jurisdiction.

Funds not belonging to that individual or funds that have been given to the individual by another individual or a prohibited organization for the purpose of making a contribution of those funds to a candidate, shall not be accepted by the candidate.