Who Can Vote
To be eligible to vote in the 2025 Municipal Election, you must:
- Be at least 18 years old as of October 20, 2025;
- Be a Canadian Citizen;
- Be a resident of the Town of Rocky Mountain House on Election Day (October 20, 2025); and
- Provide authorized voter identification.
Come prepared! Proof of identity and current residence is required to be able to vote in municipal elections.
Click here for a PDF of Voter Identification Requirements.
The Local Authorities Election Act allows for vouching. A voter who has shown valid identification may vouch for a voter who does not have identification if:
- The person vouching signs a statement/form that they know the person and that the person resides at the address indicated on the statement; and
- Both voters meet the eligibility requirements to vote.
A voter who has relied on vouching to validate their identity and address cannot vouch for someone else.