Public Hearings & Notices

Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County Councils will be holding a joint Public Hearing to present the proposed changes and allow members of the public to provide input into the amended Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) prior to granting Second and Third Readings of the amending bylaw.  

The Public Hearing will be held during a Special Council Meeting on Monday, March 24, 2025

9:00 a.m. in Clearwater County Council Chambers (4340-47 Ave).

Details below:

Notice of Public Hearing

Notice is hereby given that the Councils of Clearwater County and Town of Rocky Mountain House have given first reading for amendments to the Rocky-Clearwater Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP), as summarized:

1. 5.1 Objectives - (2) To avoid the premature subdivision and conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural use outside the policies permitting subdivision in the applicable municipalitiy’s Municipal Development Plan.

2. Section 5.1.3 - The requirement for an area structure plan or outline plan is not required in the Rural Policy area for second and third title subdivisions within Clearwater County.

3. Section 5.1.4 - The requirement for an area structure plan or outline plan is not required for a second title subdivision and may not be required for third title out subdivision within the long-term Town boundaries.

4. Section 5.2.4 - On lands within the long-term Town Boundary, residential subdivision shall be limited to second title subdivisions out of a previously unsubdivided quarter section. Any other additional subdivisions may not be allowed until the quarter section has been annexed into the Town, or the Town and County have otherwise agreed in writing.

5. Section 5.3.5 - On lands within the long-term Town Boundary, subdivision of commercial and industrial lands shall be limited to a second title subdivision (single lot) out of a previously unsubdivided quarter section where those lands are identified on Map 1 for those uses. Additional commercial or industrial development should be discouraged until the quarter section has been annexed into the Town or the Town and County have otherwise agreed in writing.

Both Councils will hold a joint Public Hearing on March 24, 2025 at 9:00 am. during each of their Special Council Meetings held concurrently.

Location: Clearwater County Municipal Office Building (Council Chambers) at 4340 47 Avenue, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.

For anyone requesting more information please contact:
Clearwater County Planning & Development or 403-845-4444,
or visit

Town of Rocky Mountain House Planning & Development or 403-847-5260,
or visit www.

Rocky Mountain House-Clearwater County 2007 Intermunicipal Development Plan with proposed changes shown in red [PDF]

Draft amending bylaw to be considered on March 24 [PDF]

Rocky Mountain House-Clearwater County 2007 Intermunicipal Development Plan Map [PDF]