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Fire Services

Fire Protection

Rocky Mountain House is served by the Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services' Station 60, one of five fire stations under the management of Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services. CRFRS headquarters is located at 4504 42nd Street. For general inquiries, phone 403-845-4444.

Click here to view the Fire Rescue Services and Fire Control Bylaw

Fire Permits

A fire permit is required for the burning of burnable debris within the Town (Click Here to View the Fire Permit Application Form).

Section 2.4 of Fire Bylaw 2020/15 defines Burnable Debris as;

  1. straw and stubble;
  2. grass and weeds;
  3. leaves and tree pruning's;
  4. brush and fallen trees on newly cleared land or associated with logging operations;
  5. used power, telegraph and telephone poles that do not contain wood preservatives;
  6. wooden materials, which do not contain wood preservatives, from the construction or demolition of buildings;
  7. solid waste from post and pole operations that does not contain wood preservatives;
  8. solid waste from tree harvesting operations;

As per section 11.2 of Fire Bylaw 2020/15, a burn permit is not required for;

  1. cooking food using a portable cooking appliance;
  2. burning in municipal or private campgrounds and parks where Outdoor Fireplaces, Fire Pits and stoves have been approved by the Town. All portable cooking appliances including Gas-fired grills must meet CSA Group certification;
  3. burning a smudge fire;
  4. burning by the Fire Department for the purpose of training or hazard abatement;
  5. the installation and operation of an outdoor incinerator;
  6. the installation and operation of an outdoor fire pit; and,
  7. any process, industry or facility that is governed or regulated, pursuant to the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act.

Click Here for Residential / Recreational Fire Pit Requirements and Recommendations

Fireworks Permits

Click here to view the Fireworks Bylaw

Click here to view information for Businesses and Consumers

A Fireworks Permit is required for the discharge of consumer, display fireworks and pyrotechnics within the Town of Rocky Mountain House. We have three types of permit applications:

Consumer (Low Hazard) Fireworks (Click Here to View Application Form) - means fireworks which are designed for recreational use and are classified as low-hazard fireworks within the Explosives Act but does not include sparklers;

Display (High Hazard) Fireworks (Click Here to View Application Form)  - means fireworks that are designed for professional use and are classified as high-hazard within the Explosives Act.

Special Effects - Pyrotechnic (Click Here to View Application Form) has the same meaning as special effects pyrotechnics in the Explosives Regulations.

No person shall sell, display, possess or discharge any prohibited fireworks.

Wildfire Mitigation

To mitigate the risk of wildfire in our community, the Town of Rocky Mountain House is conducting FireSmartTM vegetation management activities to reduce flammable materials in areas that were identified as high risk, including thinning and pruning, removing dead or hazardous vegetation and mulching. 

The Town refers to the Town of Rocky Mountain House Wildfire Mitigation Strategy to inform and prioritize vegetation management treatment areas, as well as Clearwater Regional Fire Rescue Services.

For private property, please refer to FireSmartTM Alberta or FireSmartTM Canada, which have plenty of resources for homeowners. 

FireSmart, Intelli-feu and other associated Marks are trademarks of Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre Inc.