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Development Incentives

Explore the development incentives available within the Town of Rocky Mountain House.

The goals of Town of Rocky Mountain House development incentives are to:

  • stimulate development of non-residential and residential lots;
  • expand on existing non-residential properties; and
  • help with development costs for existing vacant non-residential properties to be occupied.

Incentives are available as approved by Town Council in the Development Incentive Policy.

Offsite Levies Deferred

The Town of Rocky Mountain House is willing to defer the off-site levies at the time of the subdivision process for non-residential and residential lots and enter into a Development Agreement with the developer on how and when to collect off-site levies.

The Development Agreement would state that the Town registers a caveat on title at subdivision on each lot and then collect off-site levies if the following happens:

1. If the owner does development on the property themselves, it would beat the time of development through the Development Permit.

2. When the owner sells a registered lot, the Town would collect it at the time of sale.

New Business Established in an Existing Vacant Building

If a non-residential building has been vacant for 180 days or more, the Town of Rocky Mountain House is willing to offset 1/3 of the costs for a Development Permit and or Building Permit fees if required for a new business or an existing business transferring. The Town of Rocky Mountain House will also offset 1/3 of the costs for the Business License fee that is required for that new business to be located at that location. Existing businesses would qualify if moving to a larger square footage compared to their previous location.

Tax Incentives on New Assessment Value for Building Construction or Expansion

Under the new non-residential tax incentive bylaw, new commercial or industrial developments, or expansions of existing developments, with assessed values of $100,000 or more, can apply for a one-year tax exemption. Developments valued over $250,000 could see a 100 per cent tax exemption in year one, and a 50 per cent tax exemption in year two. Higher-valued developments would be eligible for up to 5 years of tax exemptions

Tax exemptions for new development would not be granted automatically. Property owners would have to apply for the program and meet other criteria such as:

  • Be compliant with all applicable municipal, provincial and federal regulations.
  • Hold all municipal accounts in good standing (ie: utilities, taxes and development permits).
  • Pay applicable education and seniors housing requisitions in full, as the tax exemption would only apply to the municipal portion of property taxation, Tax exemptions will only be applied to new construction or expansion developments - not to the land.

Non-Residential Tax Incentive Bylaw 2023/06
Application Form

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Questions? Contact the Planning & Community Development Department today! Phone 403-847-5260.