Stronger Together and other Intermunicipal Agreements

The Town of Rocky Mountain House is proud of its regional collaboration with our closest municipal neighbours. Residents of the Town of Rocky Mountain House, Clearwater County and Village of Caroline are all considered when the municipalities agree to work together.

Stronger Together: Building Opportunities for Our Future
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County – Village of Caroline
Establishes the Intermunicipal Collaboration Committee (ICC) between the County, Town and Village which is responsible for negotiating and managing Intermunicipal opportunities and challenges. The ICC consists of two elected officials and the CAO of each municipality.

This agreement actualizes the philosophy and principles of collaboration in ways representative of the three municipalities. It commits the municipalities to consultation and communication on Intermunicipal matters and lays out a process to deal with differences which may occur in an efficient and appropriate manner to maintain good relationships.

Related: Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (April 2021) 

Intermunicipal Regional Fire Rescue Services Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County – Village of Caroline
Establishes the terms and conditions by which the three municipalities will operate, administer and fund the Regional Fire Rescue Services for the benefit of the Municipalities and their respective residents Allocation proportion for operating costs are 75.75% Clearwater County, 23.25% Town of Rocky Mountain House, and 1% Village of Caroline.

Family and Community Support Services Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County – Village of Caroline
Establishes the Clearwater Regional Family and Community Support Services Board. The Board consists of two Town representatives, three County representatives and two Village representatives. The Town is managing partner and employs a Regional FCSS Manager. FCSS is 80% funded by the Province of Alberta. The remaining 20% is cost-shared between the three municipalities on a per-capital basis. All programs and services are available to all residents of the Town of Rocky Mountain House, Clearwater County and the Village of Caroline.

Net Asset Distribution Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County – Village of Caroline
With the dissolution of the Rocky Mountain Regional Solid Waste Authority, this agreement defines how all of the jointly owned assets shall be dispersed. Options are for one municipality to purchase an asset from the other two, or for assets to be sold and the funds be distributed to each municipality based on the percentage of ownership.

Closed Industrial Cell Cost Sharing and Liability Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County – Village of Caroline
All three municipalities financially benefitted from accepting industrial waste at the regional landfill. The cells in which this waste was collected are now closed and there is an ongoing program to monitor and maintain the cells. While Clearwater County is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the reginal landfill, this agreement identifies that all three municipalities will share the cost of monitoring the closed industrial cells that all benefited from.

Community Support Service Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
Both municipalities have property within their boundaries that are property tax exempt. These are typically hospitals, schools, churches or any other non-profit organization that provides a benefit to the community. In comparison of the two municipalities, the Town has a greater number of these properties, and therefore a larger tax deficit for servicing these properties. This agreement identifies and quantifies the difference, and binds Clearwater County to assists the Town in servicing these properties. The County does so by contributing 32.5% of the exempt property tax from these properties.

Wastewater – Sewage Lagoon Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
This agreement provides access to the Town’s sewage lagoon for County ratepayers and sewage hauling companies based in Clearwater County, in exchange for Capital contributions to upgrades to the treatment plant to meet Alberta Environment and Parks requirements. Users pay a fee-for-service to access the lagoon. The Town of Rocky Mountain House remains the sole operator of the lagoon and is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements. Any future Capital upgrades and contributions will be negotiated separately.

Regional Solid Waste Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
This agreement defines the responsibility of each municipality to handle waste for their citizens. The agreement identifies that residents of Clearwater County and the Town of Rocky Mountain House may access waste services in either municipality for the same cost, though fee collection methods may differ. It also establishes that Clearwater County will own and operate the regional landfill. Likewise any fees charged to users of the landfill will be the same for all the region’s citizens.

Closed Municipal Landfill Cost Sharing and Liability Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
This agreement establishes that the Town and the County will continue to share any costs for monitoring of the old municipal landfill near Hwy. 11A. This work involves monitoring the wells around the site to ensure there is no contamination leaving the closed cells of the former landfill.

Recreation Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
The Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County recognize that recreation facilities are enjoyed by residents of both municipalities. Through this agreement, the Town and County agree to share the capital and operating costs of certain facilities and recreation services within the Town of Rocky Mountain House.

Library Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
Describes the cost sharing arrangements between the Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County for the operation of the Rocky Mountain House Public Library and the maintenance of the library building. Annual operational and building maintenance costs for the library are shared equally between the Town and County. The library building is owned by the Town. The library itself is operated by an independent board in accordance with the Libraries Act.

Airport Operating and Managing Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
The Rocky Mountain House Airport is jointly owned by the Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County. The Town, as Managing Partner, is responsible for day-to-day operations of the Rocky Mountain House Airport.

School Resource Officer Agreement
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
This agreement allows for the designation of one or more RCMP officers as school resource officers for participating schools operated by Wild Rose School Division in the Town of Rocky Mountain House and Clearwater County. The Town arranges for the officer(s) to be provided through its municipal RCMP contract and invoices the other parties for the costs. The School Resource Officer Steering Committee comprises one Town representative, one County representative, two public school principals and two community members at large. The committee is responsible for recommending an annual operating budget and annual service/program delivery plan to both Councils.

Museum Operations Board
Town of Rocky Mountain House – Clearwater County
Establishes the Museum Operations Board responsible for the maintenance and operation of the museum building. The Board consists of two members from the Rocky Mountain House Reunion Historical Society, two members appointed by Clearwater County, two members appointed by the Town of Rocky Mountain House and one member appointed from the community at-large.

Annual operating costs are shared equally between the Town and County and based on net operating expenses of the approved budget. The budget is reviewed annually.

The property is owned by the Town, while the building and other assets are owed by the Rocky Mountain House Reunion Historical Society.

2021 Regional Governance Study

The Town of Rocky Mountain House, Clearwater County and the Village of Caroline participated in a Regional Governance Study to explore the most effective and efficient governance structure to support the region's growth and long-term prosperity. The Study was funded by a grant from the Province of Alberta. Nichols Applied Management and ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. undertook the study on behalf of the three municipalities. The study was finalized in the fall of 2021.

Read the final report.