Residential Recycling

Download a 2025 Residential Collection Calendar (PDF)

Quick Facts:

  • Download the ORGANICS, RECYCLING & WASTE User's Guide (updated March 2025)
  • Blue carts are collected every other week (alternating with garbage).
    • WEDNESDAY collection route: South of Hwy. 11A and West of Hwy. 11
    • THURSDAY collection route: North of Hwy. 11A and East of Hwy. 11
  • Set your cart out by 7 a.m. on collection day. Leave 1.5 metres of space between your cart and parked vehicles.
  • The Town of Rocky Mountain House contracts Empringham Disposal to collect residential recycling.
  • Recycling materials collected in Rocky Mountain House are taken to Cascades Recovery facility in Calgary. This large-scale recycling facility also handles residential recycling from City of Calgary.
  • The curbside recycling collection program is paid for through the residential solid waste base rate charged on monthly utility invoices. The cost breakdown for curbside recycling is about $2 per month.

The Town of Rocky Mountain House is a member of the Recycling Council of Alberta.

Download a printable ORGANICS, RECYCLING AND WASTE User's Guide

  • Rigid Plastics NUMBERED 1-7 (e.g.: Shampoo bottles, detergent jugs and food containers). When in doubt, check for the numbered recycling symbol! It will look like this:                

    The number in the middle must be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 to go in your curbside bag. Please rinse your containers first!

  • Metal cans and foil trays (e.g.: Food, soup and beverage cans, tin foil wrap, foil trays and pie plates).
  • Paper, cardboard and boxboard (e.g.: flattened corrugated cardboard; cereal, cracker, cookie and tissue boxes - liners removed - cardboard and paper tubes/rolls; and paper egg cartons.
  • Beverage containers (these can also go to the Bottle Depot).

Rinse all items and place them loosely in your BLUE bin. 

Please do not bag your items before placing them in your BLUE bin (these materials are easier to sort at their final destination if they are placed loosely in your bin).

Large cardboard and boxes must be folded or flattened and placed in your bin. 

Town residents are invited to use the Eco Centre for all divertible materials at no cost.

Please take these items to the Eco Centre:

  • Tires
  • Glass
  • Batteries
  • Electronics
  • Scrap metals
  • Wood and rocks/stones
  • Yard waste (that does not fit in your green bin)
  • Household hazardous materials (paints, chemicals, oils, etc.)

These items will NOT be collected curbside.

Excess recycling materials not collected curbside may be taken to the Eco Centre (service included with monthly utility bill; no extra cost).

Kick it to the Curb is a Town-wide event to help Rocky residents reduce and reuse. Place your unwanted but usable items at the front of your property marked with a ‘FREE’ sign. Then explore curbsides around Town to find new-to-you treasures that are marked with a ‘FREE’ sign. 

The Town hosts Kick It to the Curb events twice a year, generally in June and September. This is a way for residents to swap or upcycle their used but useable items. Check out the details here.


Contact the Engineering & Operations Department at 403-845-3220.