Kick it to the Curb!

Don’t put your unwanted items in the trash...

Kick them to the curb instead!


What is Kick it to the Curb?

Kick it to the Curb is a Town-wide event to help Rocky residents reduce and reuse. Place your unwanted but usable items at the front of your property marked with a ‘FREE’ sign. Then explore curbsides around Town to find new-to-you treasures that are marked with a ‘FREE’ sign. 

When is Kick it to the Curb?

2025 will have two designated Kick-It weekends:

  • June 14 & 15
  • September 20 & 21

How Kick it to the Curb works:



Place items at the curb with a sticker or sign marked FREE (download printables here)

Books, DVDs and board games

Ensure any items that you want to keep are away from your set out treasures

Old furniture and small appliances.

At the end of the weekend, bring uncollected items inside

Kitchen gadgets, dishes, cutlery, pots & pans.

While shopping for curbside items around Town, only pick up items marked as FREE.

Surplus craft supplies.

Do not participate if you or a household member is feeling ill.

Unwanted gifts... and more!


Do not participate in Kick it to the Curb if you or any member of your household is feeling ill. Thoroughly sanitize items that you put out and pick up at curb sites. Be aware of and obey all public health recommendations.

Health Canada advises you to be aware of the potential risks of acquiring second-hand items. Learn more about what items to avoid, such as car seats, helmets, and some toys.

Giving items away

  • ‌Place unwanted, sanitized items at the front of your property. 
  • Mark items with the word "FREE" using masking tape, stickers, or FREE tags (pdf).
  • Ensure anything you want to keep is well away from your give-away items.
  • 'Advertise' your items on social media using #RMHKickIt.
  • At the end of the weekend bring any uncollected items back into your home. They can be donated to a charity, sold or given away. Some may even be accepted at the Eco Centre.

Taking items

  • Take only the items at the curb marked "FREE".
  • Respect property; don't walk or drive on lawns or gardens.
  • Don't discard items on another property.
  • Sanitize items before bringing them into your home.

Help us make Kick it to the Curb a success in Rocky Mountain House!

Questions? Email us!


Waste disposal fees will be waived at the Eco Centre for the week immediately following each Kick It to the Curb weekend, to allow residents to dispose of excess waste.

Eco Centre Access Card still required. 

Fees still apply for mattresses and freon appliances.

Thank you for playing a role in waste reduction!

Printables for download:

Printable Kick it to the Curb tags for your free items (colour)

Printable Kick it to the Curb tags for your free items (black & white)

Kick it to the Curb poster 2025

The Town of Rocky Mountain House is a member of the Recycling Council of Alberta.