Reduce Your Use

New rates for Water, Wastewater and Solid Waste come into effect on April 1. 2025. 

The Town of Rocky Mountain House does not make a profit on utilities. The Town only charges what it costs to deliver utilities to residents and businesses.

Base and consumption rates for residential and commercial water and wastewater will increase on April 1, 2025.

Utilities operate on a cost-recovery model. This means the Town only charges what it costs to deliver utilities to residents and businesses. Utilities are not subsidized by taxation. Only properties that use the municipal water and sewer are invoiced for the service.

The Town of Rocky Mountain House fee structure includes base rates as well as consumption rates.

The base rates cover the standard operating and capital costs of the water and wastewater treatment plants and the distribution and collection infrastructure. The consumption rates covers the cost of treating the water and wastewater. 

New water and sewer rates will be as follows:

ServiceCurrent rateAs of April 1, 2025

Water base rate 



Metered water consumption 



Sewer base rate 



Sewer consumption 

$1.88/ m3 


Bulk water 



Septage Disposal



The largest increases will be to the wastewater base rate and septage disposal rate. These increases are a direct result of the new mechanical wastewater treatment plant that will come on stream in 2025.

FAQ: utility rate increase

Why now?

Provincial and federal environmental regulation changes have forced the Town of Rocky Mountain House to break ground on a new mechanical wastewater treatment plant. This $30-million facility will be commissioned in mid-2025.

The cost to operate the mechanical plant will be considerably higher than the current lagoon system, at approximately $1 million per year. 

The new utility rates coming into effect on April 1 are supported by a 2023 utility rate study, to ensure rates charged cover operating and capital costs for current and future operations. 

How much more will my bill be? 
As of April 1, the average residential property consuming 14 m3 of water per month will see a $16.35 increase in monthly billing for water and wastewater.

For properties that also pay for residential solid waste, this increase will be tempered by the decrease in solid waste fees, the result of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Legislation coming into effect in Alberta. EPR places the financial responsibility of recycling paper and packaging products on the producer, not the consumer or municipality. Rocky Mountain House has positioned itself for this transition, and there will be no impact to service when residential solid waste fees decrease by $4.62 per month, effective April 1, 2025. 

The average residential utility bill will see a net increase of $12.20 per month, for a total of $142.03 per month.

With the split base and consumption rates, households and businesses that moderate their water use can have more control over their bill.

How do Rocky Mountain House’s utility rates compare to other Towns?  
Beginning April 1, 2025, the average utility bill for a Town residence will be $142.03 per month, lower than the average of $156.35 for comparable communities.

You can see the comparisons here:

Click here for a more detailed breakdown of comparable municipal rates. [PDF]

Can I sign up for utility automatic payments?
Yes. Download and complete enrolment form and return it to the Town Office, or by email to 

How can I reduce my utility bill? 

If you use more, you will pay more. Cut back at the tap to reduce your bill each month. Read on for tips on how to reduce your water consumption at home without compromising your lifestyle.

Questions? Call the Town Office during regular business hours at 403-845-2866. The Town Office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Are you interested in taking a tour* of the Rocky Mountain House Water Treatment Plant, Lagoon or new Wastewater Treatment Plant? Fill out the form below and we will follow up with you.

*Tours are scheduled when we reach a minimum participation of 8 people. (Maximum capacity is 12).  

Request a Tour