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Summer Day Camps

Register with the Recreation & Community Services Department by visiting the Rocky Regional Recreation Centre, calling 403-845-3720, or Register online:

Registration Policy

  • All registration fees must be paid before dropping your child off. Payment confirms registration.
  • The cost is $142 for the full week (no transfers) or $37 per day
  • Registrations for all programs are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis
    • For online registration - weeks may show as FULL but individual days may still be available
    • Limited room for children age 6 on pool days (3 to 1 leader-to-child ratio for Under 7 years of age)

Registration Policy

Registrations for all programs are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. All registration fees must be paid at the time of registration. Payment confirms registration. Pre-registration is required for all classes (except drop-in programs). Classes without sufficient registration will be cancelled. If a program is cancelled by the Recreation & Community Services Department, the participant shall be refunded the full amount of the program cost.

Cancellation Policy

If the participant cannot attend a program that has been paid for and the cancellation occurs a minimum of seven calendar days before the start of the program, a refund will be given. The cost of the program will be refunded less a $10 administration fee. A transfer into the next session can occur (only one transfer per individual transaction) If the cancellation occurs less than seven calendar days before the program's start, no refund or transfer will be issued unless a doctor's note is received by the Recreation & Community Services Department. If cancellation occurs due to illness (supported by a doctor's note) a pro-rated refund will be provided.